
Refresh and Recharge Kids with Fun and Mindful Activities

Refresh and Recharge Kids with Fun and Mindful Activities

In today’s fast-paced world, children often face a myriad of activities and expectations that can lead to stress and fatigue. To help them refresh and recharge, integrating fun and mindful activities into their routine is crucial. Here are some suggestions from NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties for activities that not only provide relaxation but also promote emotional and physical well-being, enhancing their overall development. Establishing a Relaxing Bedtime Routine Creating a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for enhancing children’s sleep quality. By signaling the brain that it’s time to wind down, activities such as reading, listening to calming music, or gentle stretchesRead More

Life pressures have teens on overload

Life pressures have teens on overload

Today, teens get a lot of ‘future’ pressure from parents and older adults to be a certain way and succeed in the ways they see best, which can result in considerable undue stress. The expected norm is that you have to do well in school while taking part in extracurricular activities to secure admission to a choice school or prestigious university. This pressure can make a youth feel as though they aren’t doing enough, aren’t good enough, and ultimately can lead to them giving up overall. Personally, my parents have always pushed me to do my best. Once, I hadRead More

Practicing Self-Care After a Traumatic Injury

Practicing Self-Care After a Traumatic Injury

Recently, I was walking my daughter’s adorable dog Raleigh when I saw two other cute dogs with their owner approaching on the path. All three dogs barked excitedly and jumped joyfully. Raleigh accidentally bumped my legs and I fell down hard on the pavement. Instantly, I knew I was seriously injured. The man with the two dogs quickly called 911, paramedics came, and later that night I had surgery to repair my crushed right femur. After a couple days in the hospital, I went to a rehab/nursing center for three weeks until I could safely handle myself at home. Self-careRead More

A whole health approach to wellness

Most of us have to work for wellness and there are practices that help. This is Part Three of my wellness plan/practice, which includes gratitude, massage, and medicine. Previously, I discussed connection, meditation/mindfulness, healthy eating, adequate sleep, movement/exercise, and time in nature as fundaments to my wellness. Gratitude Psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky found that 50% of happiness is determined by your genes, 10% by the circumstances in which you live, and a full 40% of happiness is determined by your actions, your attitude or optimism, and the way you handle situations. I am happier and calmer when I intentionally practice gratitudeRead More

Practical Steps to Wellness

Life is not merely being alive, but being well. – Marcus Aurelius Studies show that sleep and exercise are the two most important factors contributing to wellness and happiness. My Wellness Plan – Part Two focuses on sleep and movement/exercise, as well as the importance of spending time in nature. Adequate Sleep A few nights without sleep can gravely impair mood, judgement, and concentration. Unfortunately, a great number of us are chronically sleep deprived. Stressful schedules, lack of genuine connection, too much screen time, and too little exercise are some common reasons for sleeplessness. Anxiety caused me to have insomnia,Read More

Getting more Connected in the New Year

Getting more Connected in the New Year

Welcome to 2019! The New Year is a time most of us set intentions. We put closure on the past and look forward to the future with a renewed hope and anticipation. Right? Maybe that’s my own idealistic view. For many, optimism for the coming year doesn’t look any brighter than what’s come and gone. Mental Health and its effects can weigh us down, forging ahead in what feels like concrete boots. But it doesn’t have too… Those challenges can be compounded by those resolutions we set and don’t keep. You know the ones…to lose weight, to exercise more, or to makeRead More

A Path to Happiness and Well-Being

A Path to Happiness and Well-Being

The Science of  Well-Being  People want to be happy and the study of positive psychology can help. Recently, I completed The Science of Well-Being, a free online course offered by Coursera. It is a ten-week program adapted from the most popular course at Yale University taught by Professor Laurie Santos. Dr. Santos created the original Yale course for two main reasons. First, she observed that many Yale students were unhappy, which was also prevalent at other universities. Second, Dr. Santos realized she wasn’t as happy as she could be. Each course participant completes lectures, quizzes, and readings, which explore the most prominent studies aboutRead More