Finding the right job can be a challenge and often more so for those living with a mental health diagnosis.
But, it can be done! Below are a few available resources you might consider.
Should You Disclose Your Diagnosis?
A major issue when looking for work is whether or not to disclose a mental health diagnosis. From what I’ve read, there isn’t an obligation to disclose during the interview process or during employment.
But, in order to receive reasonable work accommodations, a condition does have to be disclosed. Those living with a mental health diagnosis are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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Finding A Job
For some, working a 40+ hour job isn’t feasible or desirable. In our current job market, more people are working contract jobs and doing side work.
Working with a recruiter can be helpful in some fields, but the ability to search for positions advertised or in the hidden job market (unadvertised) is a skill worth developing.
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Workforce Centers Exist to Help Job Seekers
Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center, located in Centennial, offers free job search assistance and has a wealth of information online. This service is offered to the community job seekers at no cost.
Libraries Offer More Than Books
Many libraries have career resources. The Arapahoe County Library system offers free classes on resume writing, interviewing, and more. You can book an appointment through the “Ask a Librarian” program to learn how to develop a list of prospective employers using Reference USA.
In Colorado, residents can get a library card and use resources at any library.
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NAMI-ADCO Job Search Resources
Employment issues are often discussed during Connection Recovery Support Group meetings. Check out the job search resources listed on the NAMI-ADCO website.
With persistence and a bit of good luck you may find your ideal job soon! Here’s to your successful job search.
Blog post contributed by: Jean Spahr, NAMI ADCO volunteer