
Refresh and Recharge Kids with Fun and Mindful Activities

Refresh and Recharge Kids with Fun and Mindful Activities

In today’s fast-paced world, children often face a myriad of activities and expectations that can lead to stress and fatigue. To help them refresh and recharge, integrating fun and mindful activities into their routine is crucial. Here are some suggestions from NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties for activities that not only provide relaxation but also promote emotional and physical well-being, enhancing their overall development. Establishing a Relaxing Bedtime Routine Creating a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for enhancing children’s sleep quality. By signaling the brain that it’s time to wind down, activities such as reading, listening to calming music, or gentle stretchesRead More

Nobody’s Perfect Recognizes Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024

Nobody’s Perfect Recognizes Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024

The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) raises awareness each year on individuals who struggle with eating disorders by recognizing Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) 2024. This year, #EDAW2024 runs from February 26 to March 3 and supports anyone battling an eating disorder to feel empowered seeking the treatment and support they need when it comes to mental health and body positivity. Here at Nobody’s Perfect Community, we’re building off the momentum of #EDAW2024 with some quick, powerful tips and suggestions for parents and caregivers trying to assist a child or loved one battling an eating disorder. Actively listen and resistRead More

Renewing Your Spirit After the Loss of a Loved One

Renewing Your Spirit After the Loss of a Loved One

  Few things in life are as draining as the death of a close friend or family member. Restoring yourself to normal may seem an impossible feat, but with patience and healthy goals, you can find a way to cope with your grief. Identify and Address Your Feelings In the aftermath of a loved one’s passing, your emotions may be reeling. You will likely pass through the five classic grieving stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The process is unique to every individual and no two people grieve the same way. Consider keeping a daily journal to provideRead More

Practical Steps to Wellness

Life is not merely being alive, but being well. – Marcus Aurelius Studies show that sleep and exercise are the two most important factors contributing to wellness and happiness. My Wellness Plan – Part Two focuses on sleep and movement/exercise, as well as the importance of spending time in nature. Adequate Sleep A few nights without sleep can gravely impair mood, judgement, and concentration. Unfortunately, a great number of us are chronically sleep deprived. Stressful schedules, lack of genuine connection, too much screen time, and too little exercise are some common reasons for sleeplessness. Anxiety caused me to have insomnia,Read More

Wellness as a Practice

Wellness as a Practice

My Wellness Plan – Part One Who doesn’t want to feel healthy and happy on a consistent basis? Since being diagnosed with anxiety and depression, I’ve gradually adopted a set of wellness practices that help the good days outnumber the bad and reduce the likelihood of poor health and low mood. My wellness practices aren’t unique. Consistent practice helps me be my best self; when I slip, I begin again. For me, the following are important components of wellness; connection with others, mindfulness and meditation, healthy eating, adequate sleep, movement/exercise, spending time in nature, gratitude, massage, and medication. In PartRead More

Getting more Connected in the New Year

Getting more Connected in the New Year

Welcome to 2019! The New Year is a time most of us set intentions. We put closure on the past and look forward to the future with a renewed hope and anticipation. Right? Maybe that’s my own idealistic view. For many, optimism for the coming year doesn’t look any brighter than what’s come and gone. Mental Health and its effects can weigh us down, forging ahead in what feels like concrete boots. But it doesn’t have too… Those challenges can be compounded by those resolutions we set and don’t keep. You know the ones…to lose weight, to exercise more, or to makeRead More

2018 NAMI ADCO Seeds of Hope Scholarship

2018 NAMI ADCO Seeds of Hope Scholarship

On April 25th, NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties hosted its inaugural Seeds of Hope Scholarship Awards Breakfast at the Hilton Denver Inverness. We proudly awarded six scholarships to local students pursing a degree in a behavioral health or human service field. Our 2018 NAMI ADCO scholarship award recipients were: Talia Brown – Legend High School, Parker, Health Sciences and Psychology Sophie Camp – Mountain Vista H.S., Highlands Ranch, Psychology and Sociology (criminal justice) Sarah Knapp – Skyview Academy, Highlands Ranch, Psychology Brianna Lawrence – Regis University, Nursing and Psychology Morgan Miller – University of Colorado, Denver, Special Education Kimberly Smith – ArapahoeRead More

Finding Wellness After Illness

At 50 years old, Joe experienced what he considers his first manic episode. He was fired from his job—a career he spent 33 years building. After getting the news, he drove straight to the hospital. “I walked in through the employee’s entrance, all stressed out,” Joe explained. “The people working there were like, ‘Hello? How are you?’ And somehow or another the word ‘suicide’ came out. The next thing I knew, I was laying down, strapped in.” It was during this first admittance of many that Joe was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. “I ran away from my diagnosis,” Joe explained.Read More

NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties Community In Our Own Voice Mental Health Recovery Presentation

NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties will host two presenters who will share their own mental health recovery stories. They will bravely share their lived experience to inspire hope.  Please join us Saturday, January 13, 2018, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm at Koelbel Library – The Forum, Greenwood Village, Colorado. NAMI In Our Own Voice (IOOV) presentations change attitudes, assumptions and stereotypes by describing the reality of living with mental illness. People with mental health conditions share their powerful personal stories in this 60-minute presentation. What You’ll Gain NAMI In Our Own Voice adds a critical perspective to the popular understanding of whatRead More

Making Mental Health Care Accessible in Denver

Making Mental Health Care Accessible in Denver

As an educator training new mental health providers, it is my goal to prepare professionals who can address the growing demands for mental health care.  As a licensed professional counselor and nationally certified counselor, I believe that it is our profession’s responsibility to also help break down barriers to care – whether they are stigmas, access to services or overall awareness of managing one’s own mental health. In Colorado, mass casualty events in recent years have reinforced the importance of building skills and resources within our communities to help cope with and prevent these tragic events. In an in-depth report,Read More